This design which celebrates the 20th anniversary of the Naruto anime, was inspired by Naruto Uzumaki, the series' protagonist, and his journey from a shinobi of the Hidden Leaf Village to the Seventh Hokage. Colors available in Black, White & Navy combinations.
- Logo (Front) & Design (Back)
- Classic Fit
- Shirts are made with 50% organic cotton & 50% polyester
- Light and Smooth Fabric for comfortable wearing
S |
M |
L |
XL |
Width, in |
20 |
22.01 |
23.98 |
25.99 |
Length, in |
26.97 |
28 |
28.98 |
30 |
Sleeve length, in |
20 |
21.03 |
22.01 |
23 |